Application Form
Application form
Financial Assistance for Short-term Mission or Camp work
Telephone:____________________________ Email:___________________________________
Birthday: ______________________________Social Number:___________________________
Expected dates of service: start:_______________________ end:_________________________
Confirmed number of weeks:______________________________________________________
Write a brief testimony:
List any previous experience and/or ministry in this church:
Name your goals and desires for this ministry:
Date of application: ___________________ Signature of Applicant:_______________________
Approval signature or parent or guardian for applicant under 18 years old:
Please submit to: Missions committee
Grunthal Bergthaler Church
Short-Term Missionary and Camp Workers Financial Assistance Policy
1. All short term missionary applicants and camp workers MUST apply for financial support to the church missions committee BEFORE June 15 using the application form provided. Camp workers may fill in the number of weeks completed at the end of the summer but should submit an application, as stated in the guideline above, to inform the missions committee of their intentions to request support. Completed forms MUST be in before Sept 15.
2. The missions committee will process the applicants request for financial support and then present all necessary information to the Missions Elder for approval.
3. Short term missionaries and camp workers will only be supported for the time they are actively working in the mission field or at camp. However, camp workers, may also apply for reimbursement for the cost of training programs (e.g. the SLT program). These applications will be considered on an application-by-application basis.
4. The maximum amount of financial support that any short term missionary or camp worker is eligible for is $4000 per year or $200 per week for no more than 20 weeks. This includes any reimbursement provided for training programs.
5. Payment of support will be made to the mission organization prior to the start of the mission or directly to the missionary or camp worker after the mission trip or camp season.
6. Late applications may not be eligible for assistance.
7. Missionary Visitation Policy. The Missions Committee will, on a case by case, decide the amount of support to give as funds are available.