Menno Home Chaplaincy

Here is a list of things that keep me busy here at Menno Home.  In my 24 hour work week (.6 EFT)  I…

  • Prepare and deliver 6 devotionals/Bible studies per week, including one at Greendale.
  • Engage in a “ministry of presence”, i.e., “just being there” for our Elders, for their families, for staff members, and for members of the community who may drop in.
  • Serve coffee to the Elders at such times a recreation director is not on site.
  • Sit on various committees: Leadership Team; Loving Arms (chair end of life team); “In the Loop” neighborhood informational meetings; Grunthal Ministerial; Chaplaincy Support Group (1 local; 1 regional).
  • Perform a variety of administrative tasks: overseeing life history of Elders (Life Journey & “Getting to Know…” project); conducting spiritual surveys of Elders; charting; monthly/quarterly/yearly reports (Manitoba Health requirements).
  • Write reports for and frequently attend Care Conferences for our individual Elders.
  • Conduct funeral/memorial services at Menno Home for every Elder that transitions from this life into the next; occasionally I am asked to do the “main” funeral.
  • Maintain a “Memory Book” of Elders who have passed that includes an edited obituary and a page of photos.
  • Scheduling the churches that conduct services on the weekends and holidays.
  • Write articles for our quarterly newsletter, yearly reports for the AGM; and have compiled the booklets “Grief in the Midst of Joy” and “Life’s Journey” for use at Christmas and end of life.
  • Prepare and deliver varied invocations eg. AGM, Volunteer Extravaganza, Christmas Party, Board BBQs.
  • I have developed a Menno Home Statement of Faith, a position paper of the Sanctity of Life, and am presently involved in doing a rewrite of our Medical Assistance in Dying) (M.A.I.D.) policy.
  • Provide pulpit supply upon request.
  • Struggle to co-conduct a Men’s Shed bi-weekly for the men of Menno Home and interested men of the community.

    Len Hart, Chaplain, Menno Home